User Manual

Table Of Contents
Command Summary Dialog box opened
[Add] Adds a controller. One page is added to the controller that is added. “Add Controller” dialog box
[Run] Runs the selected controller in control mode.
If the controller’s [Type] is ProVisionaire Touch KIOSK, this opens the
“Run Controller File” dialog box. Transfer the controller, and use ProVi-
sionaire Touch KIOSK on the iPad to verify that it operates.
“KIOSK” or “Run Controller
File” dialog box
[Import] Selects the controller you want to copy from the project file. “Import Controller File” dialog
box or “Select Controllers to
Import” dialog box
[Export] Creates a controller file for the selected controller. This also transfers
the ProVisionaire Touch KIOSK controller file to the iPad on which Pro-
Visionaire Touch KIOSK is installed.
“Export Controller File” dialog
box or “Transfer Controller File”
dialog box
Command Summary Dialog box opened
[Undo] Cancels the previous operation. Some items cannot be undone.
[Redo] Re-executes the operation that was canceled by [Undo].
[Repeat] Repeats the most recent widget style-related operation that was exe-
cuted. Some items cannot be repeated.
[Cut] Moves the selected object into the copy buffer.
[Copy] Copies the selected object into the copy buffer.
[Paste] Pastes the object from the copy buffer.
[Copy Style] Copies the style of the selected single widget to the copy buffer.