User manual

If the AW16G does not operate as you expect, or if you suspect a
problem, please refer to the following points and take the appropri-
ate action.
Power does not turn on
Is the AC adaptor connected to an AC outlet of the
correct voltage?
Is the POWER switch turned ON?
If the power still does not turn on, please contact
your Yamaha dealer.
LCD display is dim or dark
Use the contrast knob located at the lower right of
the screen to adjust the contrast.
Can’t use the [DATA/JOG] dial to control on-screen
•The [JOG ON] key may be on.
Some parameters cannot be operated in certain
states, such as while the recorder is running.
No sound
No sound, or sound is too faint
Are speakers or headphones connected correctly?
Is your amp and other external devices turned on?
Does the stereo output channel meter move?
Is the stereo output channel fader raised? Is it turned
•The EQ gain may be set to an extremely low value.
•The dynamics processor may be set to an extreme
threshold or ratio.
If you are connecting an electric guitar, is it con-
nected to the Hi-Z jack?
Is the attenuator of the EQ screen or VIEW screen
* Check the level (meter movement) in the METER page
of the VIEW screen.
* If you press the [SEL] key in the MONITOR screen INIT
page, that channel will be initialized to default values
that allow sound to be output.
* If DIGITAL IN is set to other than DISABLE in the UTILITY
screen D.IN HDD page, and no signal is being input to
the DIGITAL INPUT jack, a message of “WRONG WORD
CLOCK” will appear, and sound will not be output.
Input sound is not output
Is the signal from the external device being input?
•The connection cable from the external device may
be broken.
Is the [GAIN] control set to an appropriate level?
Is the input channel fader raised? Is it turned on?
•The input channel may have been set to DIGITAL IN.
When recording, is the recording-destination track
fader (which adjusts the monitor level) raised?
* If you are recording, the sound of that input channel
will not be heard during playback.
Recorded sound is not output
Has audio data been recorded on the recorder?
Is the virtual track set to the track that was recorded?
•A recorded region shorter than 10 msec will not be
played back.
•Tracks 1–16 will not play back if the AW16G is in
Stereo Track, Sound Clip, or Audio CD playback
Can’t play back the STEREO track
Is the stereo track turned on in the MONITOR screen
ST.TRACK page?
Metronome cannot be heard
•The metronome sound is normally sent only to the
MONITOR OUT and headphones.
•The metronome will not sound while the recorder is
In Sound Clip mode, the metronome will sound only
during recording.
Can’t record, something is wrong with
the recorded sound
Can’t record
Is there sufficient free space on the internal hard disk?
* You can check the remaining recordable time by setting
the counter display to REMAIN in the SONG screen
SETUP page.
•The song may be protected.
•The stereo track may be in playback mode.
Is the input signal routed appropriately to the
Check the recording-source and recording-destina-
tion in the QUICK NAVIGATE page RECORD screen?
DIGITAL REC may have been turned OFF in the
UTILITY screen PREFER page.
Please read and understand the copyright warning (
p. 5) before using digital input signals.
Can’t record on the STEREO track
It is not possible to record on the STEREO track while
recording on other tracks.
Noise is present in the recorded signal
•The oscillator may be functioning.
Does the word clock setting match for the AW16G
and the external device(s)?
Go to the QUICK NAVIGATE screen RECORD page
and check the recording-source and recording-desti-