Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
3. To prevent corrosion, it is recom-
mended to apply a corrosion pro-
tection spray on all metal,
including chrome- and nickel-plat-
ed, surfaces.
4. Use spray oil as a universal clean-
er to remove any remaining dirt.
5. Touch up minor paint damage
caused by stones, etc.
6. Wax all painted and chrome-plat-
ed surfaces. Avoid combination
cleaner waxes, many of which
contain abrasives that may mar
the paint or protective finish.
7. Let the motorcycle dry completely
before storing or covering it.
Contaminants on the brakes or tires
can cause loss of control.
Make sure that there is no oil or
wax on the brakes or tires.
If necessary, clean the brake
discs and brake linings with a
regular brake disc cleaner or ac-
etone, and wash the tires with
warm water and a mild deter-
gent. Before riding at higher
speeds, test the motorcycles
braking performance and cor-
nering behavior.
Apply spray oil and wax spar-
ingly and make sure to wipe off
any excess.
Never apply oil or wax to the
drive belt.
Never apply oil or wax to any
rubber and plastic parts, but
treat them with a suitable care
Avoid using abrasive polishing
compounds as they will wear
away the paint.
Consult a Yamaha dealer for ad-
vice on what products to use.
Washing, rainy weather or humid
climates can cause the headlight
lens to fog. Turning the headlight
on for a short period of time will
help remove the moisture from the
Special care is needed for cleaning
the windshield and sidebags on this
model. Be sure to follow the instruc-
tions below.
Cleaning the windshield
Avoid using any alkaline or strong acid
cleaner, gasoline, brake fluid, or any
other solvent. Clean the windshield with
a cloth or sponge dampened with a
neutral detergent, and after cleaning,
thoroughly wash it off with water. For
additional cleaning, use Yamaha Wind-
shield Cleaner or other quality cleaner.
Some cleaning compounds for plastics
may leave scratches on surfaces of the
windshield. Before using them, make a
test by polishing an area which does
not affect your visibility.
Cleaning the sidebags
Water can be harmful to untreated
leather. Use Yamaha Saddle Soap or
another quality brand according to the
manufacturers directions to clean the
leather on the sidebags. Polish the dry
leather with a soft cloth, and then treat
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