Owner's Manual

Adjusting the squelch level
The squelch is a noise suppresser de-
signed to reduce or eliminate back-
ground noise in the absence of an
incoming signal. The squelch level can
be adjusted as follows.
1. Push the CB button once for less
than one second. The squelch lev-
el appears in the display (e.g.,
2. Repeatedly push either side of the
up/down switch for less than one
second or turn the control knob un-
til the desired squelch level is dis-
played. The squelch level can be
set between 1 and 20. After the
adjustment is made, the CB radio
returns to normal operation and
the CB channel appears in the dis-
For maximum reception sensitivity, the
squelch level should be set by turning
the control knob fully counterclockwise,
and then slowly turning it clockwise un-
til the background noise has been suffi-
ciently reduced. In order for an
incoming CB signal to be heard, it must
be stronger than the noise received.
Turning the control further clockwise
will increase the threshold level that a
signal must overcome in order to be
heard. Only strong signals will be heard
at the maximum setting.
Adjusting the receiving volume
Turn the volume control knob to
change the receiving volume level of
the CB radio. After setting the level, the
display will automatically change back
to the CB mode and the channel will
appear. The volume level can be set
between 0 and 20.
U2C912E0.book Page 18 Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:27 AM