Owner's Manual

4. Many motorcycle accidents involve inexperienced operators. In fact, many operators who have
been involved in accidents do not even have a current motorcycle license.
a. Make sure that you are qualified and that you only lend your motorcycle to other qualified operators.
b. Know your skills and limits. Staying within your limits may help you to avoid an accident.
c. We recommend that you practice riding your motorcycle where there is no traffic until you have be-
come thoroughly familiar with the motorcycle and all of its controls.
5. Many motorcycle accidents have been caused by error of the motorcycle operator. A typical error
made by the operator is veering wide on a turn due to EXCESSIVE SPEED or undercornering (in-
sufficient lean angle for the speed).
a. Always obey the speed limit and never travel faster than warranted by road and traffic conditions.
b. Always signal before turning or changing lanes. Make sure that other motorists can see you.
6. The posture of the operator and passenger is important for proper control.
a. The operator should keep both hands on the handlebar and both feet on the operator footrests dur-
ing operation to maintain control of the motorcycle.
b. The passenger should always hold onto the operator, seat strap, or grab bar, if equipped, with both
hands and keep both feet on the passenger footrests.
c. Never carry a passenger unless he or she can firmly place both feet on the passenger footrests.
7. Never ride under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
8. This motorcycle is designed for on-road use only, therefore, it is not suitable for off-road use.
U5FB12.book Page 2 Tuesday, April 9, 2002 11:55 AM