Quick Start Guide

01V96i Quick Start Guide
Recording Methods: To mix or not to mix
There are two methods of recording by routing input channels to DAW software - with or without mixing. You may use
either one or both of the methods according to the number of audio sources.
Direct Out Recording
When recording input signals as they are without mixing, you
can use Direct Out signals.
Prepare tracks on Cubase according to the number of mics and
audio sources, and record the signals without mixing. The level
balance and tone for each input signal are not adjusted during
recording, but can be adjusted later at mixdown - to mix multi-
track recordings into stereo.
Bus Out Recording
When recording more than 16 audio sources such as multiple
mic inputs and various musical instruments, you can record via
Bus Outs on the 01V96i. A Bus is the signal path that mixes
multiple input signals. The 01V96i is equipped with 8 BUS
(Group buses), 8 AUX buses, and a STEREO (L/R) bus.
Wordclock is the signal that synchronizes digital audio equipment from one device to another. The 01V96i supports
recording up to 96kHz/24bit with 16 channels. If you need to change the wordclock source on the 01V96i, press [DIO/
SETUP] button to access Wordclock page and assign (INT48k as default).