Operation Manual

Repeater stations, usually located on mountaintops or other high locations, provide a dra-
matic extension of the communication range for low-powered hand-held or mobile trans-
ceivers. The VX-8GR/GE includes a number of features, which make repeater operation
simple and enjoyable.
Your VX-8GR/GE has been configured, at the factory, for the repeater shifts customary in
your country. For the 144 MHz band, this usually will be 600 kHz, while the 430 MHz
shift will be 1.6 MHz, 7.6 MHz, or 5 MHz (USA version).
Depending on the part of the band in which you are operating, the repeater shift may be
either downward ( ) or upward ( ),
and one of these icons will appear to
the right of the display frequency on
the LCD when repeater shifts have
been enabled.
The VX-8GR/GE provides a convenient Automatic Repeater Shift feature, which causes
the appropriate repeater shift to be automatically applied whenever you tune into the des-
ignated repeater sub-bands in your country. These sub-bands are shown below.
If the ARS feature does not appear to be working, you may have accidentally disabled it.
To re-enable ARS:
1. Press and hold the m key for one second to enter the Set Mode.
2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Set Mode Item 69: RPT ARS.
3. Press the m key briefly to enable selection of this Set
Mode Item.
4. Rotate the DIAL knob to select “ON”(to enable Automatic
Repeater Shift).
5. When you have made your choice, press the PTT switch to
save the new setting and return to normal operation.
ARS-Repeater Subbands
European Version
Version A
145.1 145.5
145.6 145.8
146.0 146.4 147.0 147.6 148.0
146.6 147.4
Version A
440.0 445 .0 450 .0
Euro Version 1
Euro Version 2
433.00 434.60433.40 435.00