Operation Manual

The “Automatic Power-Off” (APO) feature will turn the radio completely off after a user-
defined period of PTT or key/button inactivity. If you do not press any front panel keys or
buttons, rotate the DIAL knob, use the microphone’s keys and buttons, or transmit, and so
long as the transceiver is not scanning or engaged in priority monitoring, the radio will shut
itself off after the specified time period.
The FTM-10SR can operate the Automatic Power-Off feature through the Clock/Timer
The available selections for the time before power-off are 0.5 - 12.0 hours (0.5 hour incre-
ments), as well as APO Off. This feature is useful in minimizing battery drain in a mobile
installation if you forget to turn the transceiver off when you leave your vehicle.
To activate the APO feature:
1. Press the
key repeatedly to display the Clock, Stop Watch Timer, or Ther-
2. Press and hold the
key for one second.
3. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Menu Item “T6 APO”.
4. Press the key to enable selection of this Menu Item.
5. Rotate the DIAL knob to select desired time, after which the radio will automatically
shut down. Available selections are 0.5 to 12.0 hours (0.5 hour increments), or Off.
6. Press the
key to save the new setting and exit to Clock/Timer mode.
If there is no action by you within the time interval programmed, a ringer sounds 3 minutes
before the APO shutdown time. Three minutes thereafter, the microprocessor will shut down
the radio automatically.
The FTM-10SR includes a feature that lets you choose six special receiver audio responses
to allow the most comfortable and effective reception in noisy environments. The effect is
similar to that provided by a “Tone Control” in a stereo.
1. Press and hold the
key for one second to activate the Menu mode.
2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Menu Item “F3 AF PITCH”.
3. Press the key to enable selection of this Menu Item.
4. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the desired receiver audio response. Available selections
are LOW-3, LOW-2, LOW-1, NORMAL, HIGH-1, and HIGH-2.
5. Press the
key to save the new setting and exit to normal operation.