Operation Manual

CF Card Slot
This slot accepts the supplied Compact Flash (CF)
Card, which allows storage, transfer, and recall of
transceiver configuration data and operator prefer-
ences, along with Log Book data, etc. When the CF
Card is successfully inserted, the Red LED by the slot
will light up.
To remove the card out from slot, press the small push-
button at the right hand side of the slot.
If you get the [PLEASE CHECK A DISK] error mes-
sage to the right of the MEM CARD indication on the
External Display, check the position of the CF Card
in the slot for proper alignment.
LCD Display
This 1.8 inch LCD display is used for viewing the
status of the Main (VFO-A) and Sub (VFO-B) bands,
and it indicates the Menu listing.
You may observe the Drain Voltage on the final am-
plifier FETs, using this meter. As well, the current Bias
Level being utilized may be observed. Press the
VDD (# below) or BIAS (# below) switch
to select the desired information.
VDD Switch
Pressing this switch enables display of the final am-
plifier FET Drain Voltage on the VDD/BIAS meter
(# above); a red LED will light up to confirm your
selection. The display range is 0 ~ 60 Volts, and a
reading of 50 Volts is normal during transmission.
BIAS Switch
Pressing this switch enables display of the final am-
plifier FET Bias Level currently in use; a red LED
will light up to confirm your selection.
During Class-A operation, the Bias Level will indi-
cate “0%” during Class AB operation, and “100%”
during Class A. Because the power output is fixed
when the “Class A” mode has been engaged, you may
adjust the Bias Level, according to the measured tem-
perature, anywhere between Class AB and Class A,
without having to worry about the drive level being
applied to your linear amplifier.
This meter allows monitoring of the heat sink tem-
perature or the SWR as measured at the rear-panel
Antenna jack.
Press the TEMP (# below) or SWR (# be-
low) switch to select the desired display function.
TEMP Switch
Pressing this switch enables monitoring of the heat
sink temperature; a red LED will light up to confirm
your selection.
The measurement range for the temperature display is
0 °C ~ 100 °C, and there are four stages of cooling fan
speed that will,, progressively, increase the air flow if
the temperature rises to near the “red zone” (80 °C or
higher). Because of the advanced cooling system, there
should never be a circumstance where the tempera-
ture will rise this high, but if you are operating in a hot
environment, in Class A, and are making long trans-
missions, you may wish to reduce the Bias Level closer