Operation Manual

Pressing any of these keys provides one-touch access
to the Amateur bands from 1.8 ~ 28 MHz. When the
ENT key has been pressed first, these keys then
serve as the frequency entry digits (“1” ~ “0”) during
direct frequency entry.
Pressing this key provides one-touch access to the 50
MHz Amateur band. When the ENT key has been
pushed first, to engage direct frequency entry, press-
ing this key sets the decimal point after the “MHz”
portion of the frequency.
This key turns the 28 MHz low-level (0 dBm) output
from the rear-panel’s TRV jack ON or OFF. When the
Transverter function is turned on, both the TFT and
the main frequency display will show the converted
frequency’s last two digits of the “MHz” field, accord-
ing to the band programmed via Menu #034 (for ex-
ample, if your transverted frequency is 144.200.00
MHz, the display will show “44.200.00” as the oper-
ating frequency.
Pressing this key selects the “General Coverage” VFO
register, for reception outside the Amateur bands.
Pressing this key momentarily engages the “direct fre-
quency entry” mode of operation, whereby the keys
described in the (A) and (B) sections above are used
for directly programming the operating frequency.
Once the frequency has been successfully entered,
press the ENT key once more to exit to the newly-
selected frequency.
For entering a frequency directly into the Sub (VFO-
B) band register, press this key. Then use the keys de-
scribed in sections (A) and (B) above for entering the
digits of the desired frequency; when done, press the
V-B key once more to lock the newly- selected fre-
quency into the Sub (VFO-B) band register.
This key is used for gaining access to the Menu sys-
tem, for configuring various transceiver characteris-
tics. menu operation is described in detail, in this
manual, beginning on page 128.
Important note:
Pressing this key momentarily activates the Menu, and
the Menu selections will appear on the TFT screen;
once you are finished, you must press and hold in the
MNU key for two seconds to save any configura-
tion changes (momentarily pressing MNU key to
exit will not save the changes).
These are the “Function” keys for the various func-
tions associated with each page of the TFT’s opera-
tional capability. The exact function of each key will
depend on the page selected.