
7 181 465 346 GB (03.02)
Failure identification procedure
7. Remote control status still 0.? yes: B Power OFF the appliance.
Remote control:
B Replace top section.
B Turn ON the appliance.
AC? 8.
no: 8.
8. The PCB control board is damaged. B Make a note of the altered service settings (see
table 1, "First Service Level; Values that can be
modified" at page 8 and table 5, "Secondary
Service Level; Values that can be modified" at
page 11).
B Power OFF the appliance.
B Disconnect the boiler electrical connection.
B Change PCB control board.
B Reconnect the boiler electrical connection.
B Turn ON the appliance.
B Restore service settings previously noted down.
To return to normal function mode:
B Press buttons and simultaneously.
B Regulate the temperature control and the
temperature control on the previously set
AC flashing.
Module not detected.
(Constant CH flow temperature according to CH temperature control on boiler.)
Check Action