
4 Operation
SMA Solar Technology AG
User Manual SBxx-US-1XP-41-BA-en-10 41
4. Once you have set the operating mode Self-consumption or SelfCsmp, you can configure
other settings:
In the parameter group Device > Multifunction relay > Self-consumption >
Minimum On power select the parameter Minimum On power for MFR self-
consumption or Mlt.MinOnPwr and set the desired value. This will configure the
power threshold from which a load is to be activated.
In the parameter group Device > Multifunction relay > Self-consumption >
Minimum power On time select the parameter Minimum power On time, MFR self-
consumption or Mlt.MinOnPwrTmm and set the desired value. This will configure the
minimum time for which the power must have exceeded the minimum switch-on power
threshold in order to trip activation of the load.
In the parameter group Device > Multifunction relay > Self-consumption >
Minimum On power select the parameter Minimum On time for MFR self-
consumption or Mlt.MinOnTmm and set the desired value. This will configure the
minimum time for which the load remains activated.
5. If you have set the operating mode Control via communication or ComCtl, in the
parameter group Device > Multifunction relay > Control via communication > Status
select the parameter Status of MFR with control via communication or Mlt.ComCtl.Sw
and set the desired value. This determines whether the multifunction relay can be controlled via
a communication product.
6. If you have set the operating mode Battery bank or BatCha, make further settings:
In the parameter group Device > Multifunction relay > Battery bank > Minimum On
power select the parameter Minimum On power for MFR battery bank or
Mlt.BatCha.Pwr and set the desired value. This will configure the power threshold from
which the battery is to be charged.
In the parameter group Device > Multifunction relay > Battery bank > Minimum
time before reconnection select the parameter Minimum time before reconnection
of MFR battery bank or Mlt.BatCha.Tmm and set the desired value. This will
configure the minimum time which must elapse after charging the battery before the
battery can be charged again.
7. Select [Save all] to save the changes.
4.17 Configuring the ModbusFunction
The Modbus interface is deactivated by default and the communication ports 502 set.
In order to access SMA invertes with SMA Modbus
or SunSpec
, the Modbus interface
must be activated. After activating the interface, the communication ports of both IP protocols can
be changed. For information on commissioning and configuration of the Modbus interface, see the
technical information "SMA and SunSpec Modbus® Interface" at
For information on which Modbus registers are supported, see the technical information "Modbus®
parameters and measured values" at