Instruction for Use

Eco Synthetic (programme 12) ideal for mixed loads
(cotton and synthetics) with a normal soil level. The
effective performance levels achieved at cold temperatures
are guaranteed by a mechanical action which operates at
varying speed, across set average intervals.
Wash&Dry 45’ select programme
for washing and
drying lightly soiled garments (Cotton and Synthetic) in a
short time. This cycle may be used to wash and dry a
laundry load of up to 1 kg in just 45 minutes. To achieve
optimum results, use liquid detergent and pre-treat cuffs,
collars and stains.
AirFresh (programme
) ideal cycle to refresh garments
and remove bad odours, in particular smoke, from cotton
and synthetic items in 30’ (max 2 kg) without the washing
Load balancing system
Before every spin cycle, to avoid excessive vibrations
before every spin and to distribute the load in a uniform
manner, the drum rotates continuously at a speed which
is slightly greater than the washing rotation speed. If,
after several attempts, the load is not balanced correctly,
the machine spins at a reduced spin speed. If the load is
excessively unbalanced, the washer-dryer performs the
distribution process instead of spinning. To encourage
improved load distribution and balance, we recommend
small and large garments are mixed in the load.