Owner's Manual

The Water Dispenser
IMPORTANT: Dispense enough water every week to maintain a
fresh supply.
To Dispense Water :
1. Press a sturdy glass against the water dispenser lever.
2. Remove the glass to stop dispensing.
The Ice Dispenser
Ice dispenses from the ice maker storage bin in the freezer when
the dispenser lever is pressed. To turn off the ice maker, see “Ice
Maker and Storage Bin.”
Your ice maker can produce both crushed and cubed ice. Before
dispensing ice, select which type of ice you prefer by pressing the
ICE TYPE button.
The display screen indicates which type of ice is selected.
For crushed ice, cubes are crushed before being dispensed. This
may cause a slight delay when dispensing crushed ice. Noise
from the ice crusher is normal and pieces of ice may vary in size.
When changing from crushed to cubed, a few ounces of crushed
ice will be dispensed along with the rst cubes.
To Dispense Ice:
1. Make sure the desired type of ice is selected. To switch
between cubed and crushed, press ICE TYPE.
2. Press a sturdy glass against the ice dispenser lever. Hold
the glass close to the dispenser opening so ice does not fall
outside of the glass.
IMPORTANT: You do not need to apply a lot of pressure to
the lever in order to activate the ice dispenser. Pressing hard
will not make the ice dispense faster or in greater quantities.
3. Remove the glass to stop dispensing.
NOTE: Ice may continue to dispense for up to 10 seconds
after removing the glass from the lever. The dispenser may
continue to make noise for a few seconds after dispensing.
The Dispenser Light
When you use the dispenser, the light will automatically turn on. If
you want the light to be on continuously, you may choose either
ON or DIM. The display screen indicates which mode is selected.
ON: Press LIGHT to turn the dispenser light on.
DIM: Press LIGHT a second time to select DIM mode. The
dispenser light will remain ON, but at a lower intensity.
OFF: Press LIGHT a third time to turn the dispenser light off.
The dispenser lights are LEDs that cannot be changed. If
it appears that your dispenser lights are not working, see
“Troubleshooting” for more information.
The Dispenser Lock
The dispenser can be turned off for easy cleaning or to avoid
unintentional dispensing by small children and pets.
NOTE: The lock feature does not shut off power to the
refrigerator, to the ice maker, or to the dispenser light. It simply
deactivates the controls and dispenser levers. To turn off the ice
maker, see “Ice Maker and Storage Bin.”
Press and hold LOCK for 3 seconds to lock the dispenser.
Press and hold LOCK for 3 seconds, a second time to unlock
the dispenser.
The display screen indicates when the dispenser is locked.
Water Filtration System
The water lter is located in the upper right-hand corner of the
refrigerator compartment.
Water Filter Status Light
When a water lter has been installed in the refrigerator, the water
lter status lights help you know when to change your water lter.
The water lter status icon changes will change from Normal
(blue water) to Order (red waves) and “Order Filter” (orange)
when 90% of the volume of water for which the lter is rated
has passed through the lter OR 5 months have passed since
the lter was installed.
The “Replace Filter” (red) icon will illuminate and blink
continuously during dispensing when the rated volume of
water has passed through the lter OR 6 months have passed
since the lter was installed. A new water lter should be
installed immediately when the Replace light is illuminated.
After 14 days at Replace Filter stage, the “Replace Filter” and
“water” icons will glow (red) at all times and blink continuously
during dispensing. Also, an alert chime will sound three times
following dispensing.
Cut Hazard
Use a sturdy glass when dispensing ice.
Failure to do so can result in cuts.
Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or
of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before
or after the system. Systems certified for cyst reduction
may be used on disinfected waters that may contain
filterable cysts.