Instruction Manual

Laundry Tips
This section reviews proper laundering techniques and gives you additional washing
Preparing clothes for washing
• Close zippers, snaps, and hooks to avoid
snagging other items.
Remove pins, buckles, and
other hard objects to avoid
scratching the washer in
terior. Remove non-wash
able trim and ornaments.
' Empty pockets and turn them inside out.
' Turn down cuffs, brush away lint arxf dirt.
Turn synthetic knits inside out to avoid
Tie strings and sashes so they will not
• Mend tears, loose hems, and seams.
Treat spots and stains. (See “Removing
Stains" on pages 14-16.)
Stained or wet garments should be
washed promptly for best results.
• Separate heavily-soiled items from lightly-
soiled ones, even if they
1 would normally be washed
together. Separate lint givers
(towels, chenille)from lint
takers (corduroy, synthetics.
* •
permanent press). When possible, turn lint
givers inside out.
Separate dark colors from light cobrs,
colorfast items from noncolorfast items.
Sort by fabric and construction (sturdy
cottons, knits, delicate items).
• Drop items into washer loosely. Fill to the top
of the basket, but do not wrap
items around the agitator.
Items should move easily
through wash water for best
cleaning and wrinkle-free
results. Items should sinkand reappear later.
Load washer properly and select con'ect
load size setting. Overloading or packing
the machine, arKi selecting a setting too
small for the wash load can:
- cause poor cleaning.
- increase wrinkling.
- create excessive lint.
- wear out items faster (because of pilling).
• Load by the amount of space items take
up, not by their weight.
• Mix large and small items in each ioad.
Load evenly to maintain
washer balance. An off
balance load can make the
washer vibrate during spin.
To reduce wrinkling, pennanent press
clothes and some synthetic knits should
have more room to move in the water than
heavy items (towels, jeans). Use the large
load setting for best results with permanent
press clothes.