Installation guide

Moving the range
Tip Over Hazard
A child or adumt can tip the range and
be kiHed.
Connect anti-tip bracket to rear
range foot.
Reconnect the anti-tip bracket, if the
range is moved.
Failure to follow these instructions can
resumt in death or serious burns to
children and adults.
When moving range, sH[de range onto
cardboard or hardboard to prevent
damaging the floor covering.
If removing the range is necessary for
cleaning or maintenance:
1. UnpHug range or disconnect power.
2. SH[de range forward to compHete
cHean[ng or maintenance.
3. Make sure the ant[4[p bracket is
Look for the antPfip bracket securely
attached to floor,
SH[de range back so rear range foot
is under anti-tip bracket,
4, Check that range is HeveH,
5, Hug in range or reconnect power,
If range does not
Check that the circuit breaker is not
tripped or the house fuse blown.
[_ Check that the power suppHy cord is
pHugged into the outlet.
[_ See Use and Care Guide for
troubHeshooting Hist.
ff you need assistance:
If you have questions about operating,
cHeaning or maintaining your range:
[_ Refer to Use and Care Guide.
[_ Call[ the Customer [nteraction Center.
Check your Use and Care Guide for a
toHFfree number to call[ or call[ the
deaHer from whom you purchased
this appHiance.The deaHer is [isted in
theYeHHow Pages of your phone
directory under "AppHiances --
HousehoHd -- Major -- Service and
ff you need serw'ce:
Maintain the quality built into your range
by caHHing an authorized service company.
To obtain the name and number of the
authorized service company:
[_ Contact the deaHer from whom you
purchased your range; or
[_ Look in theYeHHow Pages of your
teHephone directory under
"AppHiances -- HousehoHd -- Major
-- Service and Repair;" or
[_ CaHHthe Customer Interaction Center.
The toHH-free number is Histed in your
Use and Care Guide.
When you caH[, you will[ need:
[_ The range mode[ number.
[_ The range seria[ number.
Both numbers are Histed on the
modeH/seria[ rating pilate [ocated on the
oven frame behind the storage drawer
Part No. 9759923 Printed in U.S.A.
_, 2004 Whirlpool Corporation Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022 04/2004