Instruction for Use

Defrosting the freezer compartment
If the frost layer is greater than 5 mm, it is necessary to
defrost manually:
1. The day before defrosting, press the SUPER FREEZE
button (the yellow SUPER FREEZE indicator light
illuminates) to further cool the food.
2. The function is automatically disabled after 24 hours,
or it may be disabled at any moment by pressing the
SUPER FREEZE button again. At this point, set the
, which will
switch the refrigerator off.
3. Wrap frozen foods in newspaper and place them in
another freezer or in a cool place.
4. Leave the door open until the frost has melted
completely. This can be made easier by placing
containers with lukewarm water in the freezer
5. Certain appliances are
fitted with the DRAIN
SYSTEM to lead the
water outside: let the
water flow into a
container (see diagram).
6. Clean and dry the freezer compartment carefully
before switching the appliance on again.
7. Wait for approximately 2 hours, i.e. until the ideal
storage conditions have been restored, before placing
food in the freezer compartment.
Replacing the light bulb
To replace the light bulb in the refrigerator compartment,
pull out the plug from the electrical socket. Follow the
instructions below.
Access the light bulb by removing the cover as indicated
in the diagram.
Replace it with a similar light bulb within the power range
indicated on the cover (15W).