Instruction for Use

* Only available in selected models.
Problem: Possible causes / Solutions:
The dishwasher does not start or cannot
be controlled.
• SwitchofftheappliancebypressingtheON/OFFbutton,switchitback
on after approximately one minute and reset the cycle.
• Theappliancehasnotbeenpluggedinproperly.
• Thedishwasherdoorhasnotbeenshutproperly.
The door won’t close.
• Thelockwasreleased.Stronglypushthedooruntila“clacking”noise
is heard.
No water drains from the
• Thedishwashercyclehasnotyetfinished.
• Thewaterinlethoseisbent(see Installation).
• Thedrainductisblocked.
• Thefilteriscloggedupwithfoodresidues.
The dishwasher makes excessive
• Thedishesarerattlingagainsteachotheroragainstthesprayerarms.
• Anexcessiveamountoffoamhasbeenproduced:thedetergenthasnot
been measured out correctly or it is not suitable for use in dishwashers
(see Start-up and use).
The dishes and glasses are
covered in a white film or
limescale deposits.
• Thelevelofrefinedsaltisloworthedosagesettingisnotsuitedtothe
hardness of the water (see Rinse aid and salt).
• Thelidonthesaltdispenserisnotclosedproperly.
• Therinseaidhasbeenuseduporthedosageistoolow.
The dishes and glasses are
streaked or have a bluish tinge.
• Therinseaiddosageistoohigh.
The crockery has not been dried
• Awashcyclewithoutadryingcyclehasbeenselected.
• Therinseaidhasbeenuseduporthedosageistoolow(see Rinse aid
and salt).
• Therinseaiddispensersettingisnotsuitable.
• Thecrockeryismadefromnon-stickmaterialorplastic.
The dishes are not clean. • Theracksareoverloaded(see Loading the racks).
• Thecrockeryhasnotbeenarrangedproperly.
• Thesprayerarmscannotrotatefreely.
• Thewashcycleistoogentle(see Wash cycles).
• Anexcessiveamountoffoamhasbeenproduced:thedetergenthasnot
been measured out correctly or it is not suitable for use in dishwashers
(see Start-Up and Use).
• Thelidontherinseaidcompartmenthasnotbeenshutcorrectly.
• Thefilterisdirtyorblocked(see Care and maintenance).
• Therefinedsaltlevelislow(see Rinse aid and salt).
• SwitchofftheappliancebypressingtheON/OFFbutton.Shutoffthe
water tap to eliminate the risk of flooding and remove the plug from the
electrical socket.
Make sure the water inlet filter has not become blocked by impurities
The dishwasher does not take any
water in - Tap shut-off alarm
(indicatorlightON/OFFashing;H2O and
tap symboldisplayed;F 6 appears after a
few seconds).
• Thereisnowaterinthemainssupply.
• Thewaterinlethoseisbent(seeInstallation).
• Turnonthetapandtheappliancewillstartafterafewminutes.
• Theappliancelockhasbeenactivatedbecausenoactionwastaken
when the beeps sounded.
Switch off the appliance using the ON/OFF button, turn on the tap and
switch the appliance back on after a few seconds by pressing the same
button. Re-program the appliance and restart the wash cycle.
Clogged lter alarm
• Makesurethewashcyclehasended,openthedishwasherdoor
following cycle starts.