Installation guide

Clear the water lines
Run water through both faucets and inlet hoses, into a laundry
tub, drainpipe or bucket, to get rid of particles in the water
lines that might clog the inlet valve screens.
Check the temperature of the water to make sure that the hot
water hose is connected to the hot water faucet and that the
cold water hoes is connected to the cold water faucet.
Connect the inlet hoses to the washer
A. Cold water inlet valve
B. Hot water inlet valve
1. Attach the hot water hose to the bottom inlet valve.
NOTE: Attaching the hot water coupling first makes it easier
to tighten connection with pliers.
2. Scraw on coupling by hand untilit is esated on the weshar.
4. Attach the cold water hose to the top inlet valve.
5. Screw on coupling by hand until it is seated on the washer.
6. Using pliers, tighten the couplings with an additional
two-thirds turn.
NOTE: Do not overtightan or use tape or sealants on the
valve. Damage to the valves can result.
Check for leaks
Turn onthe water faucets and check for leaks. A small amount
of water might enter the washer. You will drain this later.
NOTE: Replace inlet hoses after 5 years of use to reduce the
risk of hose failure. Record hose installation or replacement
dates for future reference.
Ifyou connect only one water hoes, you must cap off the
remaining water inlet port.
Periodically inspect and replace hoses if bulges, kinks,
cuts, wear, or leaks are found.
S Lre the Drain Hose
1. Remove the shipping strap from the power cord. Drape the
power cord over the console.
2. Remove any cardboard used to move washer.
Beaded tie strap
3. Wrap the drain hose to the laundry tub leg or drain standpipe
with the beaded tie strap. Push fastener into the nearest hole
in the beaded tie strap. See view A or B.
Ifthe washer faucets and the drain standpipe are recessed,
put the formed end of the drain hose into the standpipe.
_ghtly wrap the tie strap around the water inlet hoses and the
drain hose. See view C.
Using pliers, tighten the couplings with an additional
two-thirds turn.
NOTE: Do not overtightan or use tape or sealants onthe
valve. Damage to the valves can result.