Installation guide

installation instructions
Electrical Shock Hazard
Disconnect electrical power at the fuse box or circuit
breaker box before installing dishwasher.
Failure to do so can result in death or electrical shock.
1. Disconnect power.
2. Turn off water supply.
Prepare cabinet opening using
existing utility hookups
e Follow the steps in this section if you are installing the
dishwasher in an existing cabinet opening with utility
e If you are installing the dishwasher in a cabinet opening
that does not have hookups, follow the steps under
"Prepare cabinet opening where there are no existing
utility hookups" section.
1. wherefrontCheckiinereachesleftthatthe°fwatertheopeningtOwaterthe water ........................ direct
connection will be I[ I,ne !_ wire
2. Check that the direct J
wire reaches to the ______ L____;_
front right of opening 6" (16.2 c __
where the electrical
connection will be made.
If the water line and the direct wire reach far enough into
the opening, proceed to the next section "Install the drain
hose:' If they do not reach far enough, follow the steps
under "Prepare cabinet opening where there are no
existing utility hookups:'
install the drain hose
IMPORTANT: Always use a new drain hose even when
installing a new replacement dishwasher.
1. Drill a 1-1/2" (3.8 cm) diameter hole in cabinet wall or
floor on the side of the opening closest to the sink.
2, Connect drain hose to waste tee or waste disposer
using one of the following methods:
Option 1, Waste disposer - with air gap
Option 2, No waste disposer- with air gap
Option 3, Waste disposer - no air gap*
Option 4, No waste disposer- no air gap*
%n air gapis recommended
HelpfuITip:To reduce the vibration of the hose, keep
the hose away from the floor and the edge of the hole
where it passes through the cabinet.
Option 1, Waste disposer - with air gap:
1. Remove the disposer knockout plug. Cut end of drain
hose if needed (do not cut ribbed section).
2. Attach drain hose to air gap with large spring-type
clamp. If the drain hose was cut, use a 1-1/2" to 2"
(3.8 to 5 cm) screw-type clamp*.
3. Use a rubber hose connector* with spring or screw-
type clamps* to connect air gap to disposer inlet.
This connection must be before the drain trap and at
least 20" (50.8 cm) above the floor where dishwasher
will be installed.
drain hose -
cut hereif needed
./air gap
drain trap
4. Insert drain hose
through hole cut in
cabinet to the front
center of opening where
drain connection will be
drain hose
r' Parts available from local plumbing supply stores