Installation guide

12. /
Open door approximately 3" and
check for equal spacing between
inner door and lub sides. If necessary,
loosen screws that fasten dishwasher to
countertop and shift tub, Tighten
CUt hos_ COnneclO_" to fll.
To connect drain hose to on air-gap
or waste-tee, cut end of drain hose as
shown Do Not cut drain hose when
connecting to a disposer. Knock out
plug from disposer inlet. Secure drain
nose with hose clamp provided Do
Not cul ribbed section to shorten
drain hose. Coil and tape extra drain
hose under kitchen sink
gll _.. //sound shleld-_
Connect ,water pipe or tubing directly
to water inlet rave Do Not run pipe or
tubing across front o! motor or dish-
washer legs Pierce a "//d ameter hoe
fnrough the sound shield [sound shied
is not ovai;aoie on all models] for
water line. See Figure 8. Panel B. _rn
on water SuoDy and check for eaks
Make electrical connection or plug
_::x_wer supply cord into the grounded
Check electrical requlremenls.
Be sure you have correct electrical
supply and recommended
grounding method.
Remove all shipping materials, Open
dishwasher door; remove bottom rack.
Place a newspaper or large sheet of
paper over bottom of dishwasher to
protect the pump area when securing
dishwasher to countertop.
Secure dlshwasher to counfedop with
two, No. tO x V2','Phillips-head screws
from parts bag, You MUST secure
dishwasher to keep it from tilt ng when
door is opened or closed, De Not drop
screws In dishwasher tub. If screws
should tall into the pump, pump and
molar failure may occur. Remove
Doper from botJom of dishwashe_
Check door for proper operation, Door
shouJd close easily without slamming
and open with its own weight. If
necessary, close door and adjust door
spring with pliers
Take a few minutes to read the Use and
Care Guide to fully understand your
new dishwasher,
Check lhat ali bads have been
installed and no steps were skipped
Check that you have oil the tools you
starred with
Turn on electric supply,
Star1 dishwasher and allow it to
complete a cycle, Check that
dishwasher is working properly and
that there are no water leaks.
Replace the access panel