Instruction for Use

The cooking time and/or end cooking time can be programmed
after the desired cooking mode has been selected.
Programming the cooking time
Press button “4” and then adjust the cooking time by pressing
. Press the “4” button to store the setting.
The temperature selected (which can be adjusted using knob
“M” ) and the amount of time left until cooking is complete
will be displayed alternately. Once this time is up, the word
«end» will be displayed and a sequence of acoustic signals
will be emitted to indicate that cooking is complete.
Press any button to silence the acoustic signal.
Turn knob “L back to position 0 to remove the word «end»
from the display.
For example
It is 9:00 a.m. and a cooking time of 1 hour and 15 minutes is
programmed. Cooking will stop automatically at 10:15 a.m..
Cooking time
= 1h15
Automatic stop
Programming the end cooking time
Press button “3” and then adjust by pressing keys
. Press the “3” button to store the setting. The display will
remind you alternately of the temperature selected and the
amount of time left until cooking is complete.
When the end cooking time selected previously is up, the
word «end» will be displayed and a sequence of acoustic
signals will be emitted to indicate that cooking is complete.
Press any button to silence the acoustic signal.
Turn knob “L back to position 0 to remove the word «end»
from the display.
Programming the Cooking Mode
For example
It is 9:00 a.m. and the end cooking time is set at 10:15 a.m..
Cooking will last 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Cooking time
= 1h15
Automatic stop
Delayed cooking programming
Press button “4” and then adjust the cooking time by pressing
. Press the “4” to store the setting. The
temperature and the time set previously will be displayed
Press button “3” and then adjust end cooking time by pressing
. Press the”3" button to store the setting
and the display will remind you of the end cooking time and of
the temperature set alternately.
For example
It is 9:00 a.m. and a cooking time of 1 hour and 15 minutes
and 12:20 as the end cooking time are programmed. Cooking
will start automatically at 11:15 a.m..
Cooking time
= 1h15 and
end cooking
time set at
12.30 p.m.
9h00 10h00 11h00 12h00
Programmed end
The icon A will remind you that you have programmed the
cooking time and/or the end cooking time.
To cancel a programmed time
To cancel any programming you have made, set knob L” to
position “0”.
When the fast clean function has been enabled, the
temperature inside the oven reaches 500°C, which is necessary
to burn all food residue that has built up inside it. If you look
through the oven glass, you may notice some particles that
light up as they are destroyed by pyrolysis upon contact with
the heating elements: this is simply spontaneous combustion:
it is perfectly normal and hazard-free.
A few useful tips before automatic cleaning begins
1- Try to remove large scraps of food and caked-on dirt with
a damp sponge. Avoid using detergents or any other special
products recommended for oven cleaning.
2- Remove all the accessories from the oven, as these
are not designed to withstand such high temperatures. In
addition, some accessories could affect the efficiency of the
automatic cleaning cycle by obstructing the circulation of
heat along all the interior walls of the oven. The accessories
can easily be washed like everyday crockery (even in your
3- Do not place tea towels over the oven handle.
Warning: during the automatic cleaning cycle, the surfaces
may become very hot. Keep children away from these.
How to enable the fast clean function
Shut the oven door.
Set the selector knob to V
To programme the fast clean cycle time and/or cycle end
time, follow the instructions provided in the paragraph entitled
“Fast clean programming”. Please note that you can choose
a cycle time of between 60 and 120 minutes, depending on
the degree of soil in your oven.
Safety devices
Given the high temperatures reached inside it, the oven is
fitted with several safety devices:
Automatic Cleaning with the Fast Clean Function