Instruction for Use

How to Start the Appliance
After the appliance has been delivered, stand it in the
upright position and wait approximately 3 hours be-
fore connecting it to the electrical outlet to guarantee
that it operates properly.
Before placing foodstuffs in the refrigerator or freezer, clean
the interior well with warm water and baking soda.
Motor protection delay
This model is provided with a motor protection control
system. Therefore, if the compressor does not start
immediately upon installation, do not worry as it will
start automatically after approximately 8 minutes.
This is also what will happen every time the power
supply is interrupted, both due to a power failure or
should you switch it off yourself (to clean or defrost
your freezer, for example).
After having plugged the appliance in, make sure that pilot
lamp (D) is lit. If not, make sure that the freezer knob (B) is not on
position "
Refrigerator compartment
Set knob (A) onto a medium position and you can place
food in the fridge after only a few hours.
Freezer compartment
Set knob (A) to a medium position and press the rapid
freezing button "Super Freeze" (F), pilot lamp (E) is lit. When
the freezer has reached the optimum temperature, yellow
indicator light "E" will come off. Now you can place frozen
food in the freezer.
How to use the refrigerator compartment...
The thermostat automatically regulates the temperature in-
side the appliance
= less cold = colder
It is recommended that a medium setting be used.
When the fridge compartment is filled up after a heavy
shopping spree, use the "Super Cool", press button (G) to
enable it, in order to reach optimum operating conditions
quickly. Once the necessary time has elapsed, the function
is disabled automatically.
Remember to follow our instructions on the storage life of
foods: If not stored correctly, even the freshest food will
deteriorate quite quickly.
Contrary to popular belief, cooked foods do not keep longer
than fresh food.
The refrigerator compartment of your appliance is fitted with
practical removable shelves (Fig. 1) whose height can be
adjusted to allow storage of large containers. This shelves
can also be tilted for storage of opened bottles.
Remember to cool hot food before storing otherwise the
temperature inside the appliance will increase, causing the
compressor to work harder
and use more energy.
Do not store liquids in un-
sealed containers since
this will increase the hu-
midity and lead to the for-
mation of frost in the re-
Fig. 1
WARNING: to avoid blocking the air circulation inside
the refrigerator, it is advisable not to obstruct the
ventilation holes with food or containers.