Instruction for Use

- Air in the refrigerator circulates naturally so that colder,
heavier air tends to descend towards the bottom. This is
why meat and fish should be stored just above the crisper.
- Remember to follow our instructions on the storage life of
different foods: If not stored correctly, even the freshest
food will deteriorate quite quickly.
- Contrary to popular belief, cooked foods do not keep longer
than fresh food.
- Remember to cool hot food before storing, otherwise the
temperature inside the appliance will increase, causing the
compressor to work harder and use more energy.
- Do not store liquids in unsealed containers since this will
increase the humidity and lead to the formation of frost in
the refrigerator.
- Be careful not to place containers (plastic or glass), food or
other objects in direct contact with the cooling area of the
back wall of the refrigerator. This could harm the food, in-
crease energy consumption and facilitate the formation of
condensate (on food, containers, etc.).
Fig. 1
For the preparation of food to be frozen, please con-
sult a specialized manual.
- Food that has be thawed, even partially, must not be re-
frozen: you must cook it in order to consume it (within 24
hours) or to freeze it once again.
- When freezing fresh foods, remember that they should
not touch other previously frozen or deep frozen foods. Place
the food that you wish to freeze in the top compartment
where the temperature will fall below -18°C, which is ideal
for freezing food properly. Remember that proper conserva-
tion depends on the speed of freezing.
- During the freezing process, avoid opening the door of the
- The maximum amount of food you can freeze per day is
indicated on the data plate situated inside the refrigerator
- The first time you use your freezer, or if you have not run
the freezer for some time, allow the appliance to run until
red LED "C" turns off before storing your food.
- To freeze foods when the freezer is running follow these
steps: to freeze small quantities of food (under the maximum
quantity shown on the data plate) set knob "B" to "Super"
when you store the food. For large quantities, set the knob
to "Super" 24 hours before storing the food that you wish
to freeze.
- After 24 hours have passed and the fresh food has been
frozen, turn the "B" knob back to one of the normal
settings. Attention: Do not forget to change the tempera-
ture setting if you want to avoid useless wastes of en-
How to use the freezer compartment...
- In order to freeze and then thaw foods optimally, it is rec-
ommended that you divide food into small portions so that
they freeze quickly and uniformly. The packages should be
clearly marked with the content and the date they were
- In order to obtain a larger amount of space in the freezer
compartment, you can remove the central drawer, and place
the food directly onto the evaporator plate. Make sure that,
after having inserted the load, the door closes correctly.
To maximize the freezer volume, it is possible to remove the
drawers (except the lowest one), and to arrange the food
directly on top of the evaporating plates. Ensure that the
door is properly closed after putting food in the freezer.
- Do not open the freezer door in the event of a power
failure or malfunction. This precaution will slow the rise in
temperature within the compartment. If the door is not
opened, frozen and fast-frozen foods will remain in their
current state for approximately 9-14 hours.
- Do not place full bottles in the freezer: they could easily
burst because all liquids increase in volume when they freeze.
- The refrigerator compartment of your appliance is fitted
with practical, removable shelves (Fig. 1) whose height can
be adjusted to allow for storage of large containers. These
shelves can also be tilted for storage of opened bottles.