Operation Manual

Technical information for the installer
After removing the oven from its packaging,
before making the connections place it on the
polystyrene foam base to protect it from
Do not attempt to lift the oven by the handle.
Lift at the sides as shown in the figure (see
Check that the appliance has not been
damaged in transit.
Oven dimensions and kitchen unit
dimensions are shown in the opposite figure.
Kitchen units in contact with the oven must
be heat resistant (80° C min).
Install the oven in the housing, lifting it at the
sides, taking care not to trap the wires of the
electrical supply cable.
For correct ventilation, follow the ventilation
opening directions shown in the figure
(500 min x 80 mm and 500 min x 50 mm
inside the cabinet).
Secure the oven to the kitchen unit with
screws (
) as shown.
The oven has also been designed for
building-in under a cooktop.
To allow for proper ventilation, we
recommend that you left an opening of at least
500 x 80 mm or an equivalent area in the lower
section of the housing.
An additional opening of 5 mm is required
between the oven top rim and the cooktop lower
rim: this opening must not be closed by strips or
housing crosspieces.
During oven installation, care must be taken to
ensure that the sides are not touching the front
edges of the housing or adjacent drawers and
doors (see picture).
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