
Creating a New Share
You can create a share and designate it as public or private. For example, if the share
contains financial information, you may want to make the share private. Or, if there are
photos you would like a friend to see, you can make the share public to that friend.
1. Click the Shares icon on the navigation bar to display the About Shares screen.
2. Click the Add a Share icon
3. Complete the following settings:
Volume Select the volume from the drop-down menu.
Share Name Assign a name to the share. (Names must be case sensitive, and
contain 1-32 alphanumeric characters but no spaces.)
Share Description (optional) Enter a brief description of the share to remind yourself of what it
contains. Note that share descriptions must begin with an
alphanumeric value and can contain up to 256 characters.
Enable Recycle Bin (optional) The Recycle Bin contains any files deleted from the My Cloud EX2
Ultra device. If you’d like to use the Recycle Bin, click the toggle
. to ON. (Default is OFF.)
Note: The Recycle Bin is only available for Windows
SMB files.
4. Click Next.
5. Complete the following settings:
Enable Media Serving (optional) This option allows you to stream media stored in this share to other
devices. If you’d like to Enable Media Serving, click the toggle
. The default is OFF.
Note: The media server must be enabled for the
device before you can provide media serving for
a share.
See“Enabling DLNA” on page 72 for instructions
on enabling media serving for the device.
FTP Access (optional) This option allows FTP access on this share. If you’d like to use
Access, click the toggle button
Note: FTP
access must be enabled before you can
provide FTP access for a share. See “Network
Services” on page 86 for instructions on how to
enable FTP access.
WebDAV Access (Optional) This option allows WebDAV access on this share. If you’d like to
use W
ebDAV Access, click the toggle button
Note: W
ebDAV access must be enabled before you
can provide FTP access for a share. See
“Network Services” on page 86 for instructions
on how to enable WebDAV access.
Editing Share Settings
1. On the Set Up Shares screen, select the share you’d like to edit. The Share Profile
panel displays.
2. Modify the required and optional settings as desired.