
Cloud Access
Use the following steps to turn cloud access on or off for all users (i.e., control whether
computers and mobile devices can access the content on the My Cloud EX2 Ultra
Note: This turns on cloud access for the entire device. To turn on access for an
individual user, see “Configuring Cloud Access for a User” on page 17
1. Scroll down to the Cloud Access area of the General screen.
2. In the Cloud Service field, click the toggle button
to turn on Cloud Services. The
Connection Status changes to Connected (Relay connection established).
3. Click Configure to change the type of connection you use for your cloud access
On the Cloud Access Connection Options screen, there are three access options:
Auto: Auto uses uPnP to attempt to open ports on your router. If successful, a
direct connection is established between your device and your apps.
Manual: Establishes a connection through the two selected ports. If either port is
unavailable, a relay connection is established. A manual router configuration is
required for this option. See Knowledge Base Answer ID 8526 for information on
how to set up your router for manual setup.
Win XP: Establishes a connection through ports 80 and 443. If these ports are
unavailable, a relay connection is established. This option is required if you’re
using Windows XP.
Note: By default, the My Cloud EX2 Ultra device automatically establishes a direct
connection between your mobile devices and router.
4. Select a connection type:
Auto: Click Auto.
Manual: Click Manual, and then enter the External Port 1 (HTTP) and External
Port 2 (HTTPS) numbers.
Win XP: Click Win XP.
5. Click Apply.
6. In the Dashboard Cloud Access field, click the toggle button
to turn on access to
the dashboard from the cloud remotely.
Note: Selecting this option allows you to perform administrator functions remotely.