
Database server hostname or DSN: Enter localhost.
Database server post: Leave this field blank.
Database name: Enter a name for your database to be used for phpBB.
Database username: Enter your MySQL account user name.
- If you’re using the phpMyAdmin app, enter admin.
Database password: Enter your MySQL password.
- If you’re using the phpMyAdmin app, enter admin.
Table Prefix: Enter a table prefix. The prefix must start with a letter and must only
contain letters, numbers and underscores. Make sure that the prefix chosen is not
used by other tables.
You can also use the randomly generated table prefix pre-loaded into this field.
8. Review the Database connection screen to ensure that it was performed successfully,
and then click Proceed to next step.
9. Complete the Administrator Configuration screen with the following information, and
then click Proceed to next step.
Default board language: Select the language for your bulletin board from the
drop-down menu.
Administrator username: Enter the user name you’ll use to log into your bulletin
Administrator password: Enter the password you’ll use to log into your bulletin
Confirm administrator password: Reenter the password you entered in the
Administrator password field.
Contact e-mail address: Enter the email address of the individual administering
the board.
Confirm contact e-mail: Reenter the email address you entered in the Contact e-
mail address field.
10. Review the Administrator details screen to ensure that the administrator
configuration was successfull, and then click Proceed to next step.
11. Review the screen, and then click Proceed to next step.
12. Review the information on the screen, and then click Proceed to next step.
Note: Keep the default settings on this screen for now. If you find that you need to
update this information in the future, you can do so on the Administration
Control Panel after phpBB is installed.
13. Review the information on the screen, and then click Proceed to next step.
14. Review the information on the screen. phpBB is now installed.