User's Manual

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Installation________________________________________________ Boomer-III User Manual & Integrator’s Guide
Copyright Wavenet Technology © October 2003 36 BM310012WT05
LED Interface Definitions
Pin #
Signal Description Signal Active State
Output Low when message waiting
14 LED1_INRANGE In range Output Low when modem in-range
15 LED2_LOWBAT Low battery Output
Low when battery is <3.5V,
High when battery is >3.6V
Low Battery
The Low Battery signal is held active low whenever the supply voltage
drops below an acceptable level and deactivated when the voltage level
becomes acceptable again. The transitions will occur at the same time
as the low battery event occurs (or would occur if the event was
activated). Note that in the case of a very fast transition between
voltages, it may take up to 20 seconds for the modem to confirm a
change in battery status.
Message Waiting
The Message waiting signal is held active low whenever there is at
least one complete message waiting in the outbound buffers (including
the reread buffer).
The In Range signal is held active low whenever the modem is in RF
reception range.