Installation guide

- 2600M, User’s Manual, 02/07 Page 18
Command Description Syntax
[port#] [N:0-240]
Set port 1 ingress rate control
with 10; Example: set ratecontrol
ingress 1 10
Description: Set port 1 ingress
rate control with 10*64K=640K
No Limit of rate control, with N=0.
Rate = N*64 Kb, with N=1~28.
Rate = (N-27)*1Mb, with
Rate = (N-115)*8Mb, with
N=128~240 (only for Gigabit
set ratecontrol drop [0|1]
This subcommand is used to
enable/disable the packet
dropping operation when ingress
traffic exceeds the maximum
ingress rate. If it is set to
“disable”, flow control operation
will be used instead of packet
dropping when traffic rate is
set ratecontrol [ingress|egress]
[port#] [0-240]: This
subcommand is used to set the
maximum traffic rate for
ingress/egress traffic through
connection ports of the switch.
The rate control could be from
64Kbps to 1000Mbps.
N=0: rate control is disable, rate =
No Limit.
N=1~28: rate = Nx64Kbps, for
64K, 128K, …, 1792Kbps rate
N=29~127: rate = (N-27)x1Mbps,
for 2M, 3M, …, 100Mbps rate
N=128~240: rate = (N-
115)x8Mbps, for 104M, 112M, …,
: N=128~240 is for Port 25,
26 gigabit ports only.
security Set port security
This command is used to set the
security mode for static MAC address
of connection ports.
Please refer to “set arl” command for
static address setting. Or, you can
set static address from the “Dynamic
set security
Set security [port#] [mode#]
Example: Set security 1 1
Description: Set Security mode of
port 1 to Accept mode for Static
MAC addresses.
mode 0 = No Security