User Profile Migration

The migrated V2 profiles use the same user names as the V1 profiles. A .V2 extension is appended to the
users' root folders. All folders except Local Settings are migrated. User registry keys are migrated.
<migconfig version = "0.1">
<!-- specify the source V1 profiles to be migrated -->
<!-- specify the location of user profiles to be migrated -->
<!-- specify the target destination of converted V2 profiles -->
Example: Migrating from a User's Local Profile
The following example file converts a local V1 profile for the user ts115. The utility migrates the local profile
on the machine devvm-winxp to a remote V2 profile under the \\file01\profiles folder.
Only files from the My Documents, Desktop, and Start Menu profile folders are migrated. The user's registry
keys are migrated.
<migconfig version = "0.1">
<!-- specify the source V1 profiles to be migrated -->
<!-- specify the location of user profiles to be migrated -->
<profilepath>\\devvm-winxp\c$\documents and settings\ts115</profilepath>
<!-- specify the target destination of converted V2 profiles -->
<!-- specify other profile migration settings -->
<!-- migration settings for profile folders and files -->
<!-- by default, all top-level profile folders are included -->
<!-- except 'Cache', 'History', and 'Local AppData' -->
<includefolders>Personal, Desktop, Start Menu</includefolders>
View User Profile Migration
14 VMware, Inc.