User Guide

D-307074 PowerMaster-10/30 G2 User's Guide 67
Table A1 – Common Area Definitions
Common area zone types
Acts as defined only after the last assigned partition is armed AWAY or
In case that one of the partitions is disarmed, an alarm initiated from this zone
is ignored for all assigned partitions.
Delay zones
Delay zones will not trigger an entry delay unless all assigned partitions are
armed. It is, therefore, not recommended to define delay zones as common
Perimeter follower
Act as defined only after the last assigned partition is armed AWAY or HOME.
In case that one of the partitions is disarmed, an alarm initiated from this zone
is ignored for all assigned partitions.
In case that one of the common area assigned partitions is in a delay state
(and the other partitions are armed), the alarm will behave as a perimeter
follower for this partition only. The event will be ignored for other assigned
armed partitions.
Acts as defined only after the last assigned partition is armed AWAY.
In case that one of the partitions is disarmed or armed HOME, an alarm
initiated from this zone is ignored for all assigned partitions.
Interior follower
Acts as defined only after the last assigned partition is armed AWAY.
In case that one of the partitions is disarmed or armed HOME, an alarm
initiated from this zone is ignored for all assigned partitions.
In case that one of the common area assigned partitions is in a delay state
(and the other partitions are armed), the alarm will behave as an interior
follower for this partition only. The event will be ignored for other assigned
armed partitions.
Home / Delay
Acts as a Perimeter-Follower type when all assigned partitions are armed
Acts as a Delay type when at least one of the assigned partitions is armed
Will be ignored when at least one of the assigned partitions is disarmed.
Emergency; Fire; Flood;
Gas; Temperature; 24-hour
silent; 24-hour audible;
Always armed.