User Guide

D-307074 PowerMaster-10/30 G2 User's Guide 65
The control panel includes an optional partition feature. Partitioning is available only if your installer has enabled
the feature. Once partitioning is enabled Partitioning menus are added to the system which can be viewed on
the control panel's LCD display. Partitioning allows you to divide the system into three independently
controllable areas with different users assigned to each partition whereby each user can arm the partition to
which they are assigned.
Each user code can be assigned to a combination of up to 3 partitions and each partition can be armed or
disarmed regardless of the status of the other partitions within the system. For example, you can define the
garage as partition 1, the basement as partition 2, and the house as partition 3. Since each partition is
independent of other partitions, you can arm or disarm each partition as desired without altering the states of the
other partitions.
The system also supports a situation where an area is used by two or more partitions. For example, a reception
area which is common to two offices, each of which is assigned to a separate partition, will be armed only after
both offices (partitions) are armed. In the armed state the reception area will be disarmed after either office
(partitions) has been disarmed to allow the user of that office to use the reception area without generating an
alarm. Such an area is termed a "common area".
Note: Remote operation is performed per partition, or per user code defined for a particular partition, when
partition is enabled.
B1. Selecting a Partition
When operating in partition mode the first display will read:
P1: R P2: N P3: R
Press ; the display will read:
Press , and to select the desired corresponding partition.
Note: After 5 seconds of no button press there will be a timeout and the display will revert to the All Partition
B2. Arming / Disarming the System
Before continuing, make sure that Partitioning has been enabled via the Installer Mode.
Arming/Disarming All Partitions
To arm/disarm all partitions in READY mode, press the / or button.
Arming/Disarming a Single Partition
To arm/disarm a single partition, press the button on the control panel and then press the Partition
number: 1; 2; or 3. Then, press the / or button.
B3. The Show Function
The show function is enabled during single/all partition(s) status and displays information that is relevant to the
selected or all partitions.
Show All Partitions
In Ready mode press , the display will show information on all partitions. Press repeatedly to
view memory / status content.
Show Single Partition
In Ready mode, press and then press the partition number. The display will show information relevant to
the selected partition. Press repeatedly to view memory / status content.
Note: After 5 seconds of no button press there will be a timeout and the display will revert to the all partition