User's Manual

5) Switch All ON/OFF:
* Open All: Press button 1 and 2 together until the green LED flash once and the
keyfob will send “SWITCH_ALL_ON” command
* Close All: Press button 3 and 4 together until the red LED flash once and the
keyfob will send “SWITCH_ALL_OFF” command
6) Mode Switch:
* Press button 2 and 4 together until green LED flashes to switch to “Central
Scene Mode”.
* Press button 1 and 3 together until red LED flashes to switch to “Scene
Activation Mode”.
7) Central Scene Mode(Group 1):
* Short press (each button, press time <1 second):
- The green LED will flash once and send Central Scene Notification”
command (Key Attribute 0x00) to all Group 1 (Lifeline) Nodes.
* Long press (each button, press time >2 seconds):
- The red LED will keep flashing while long pressing the button and send
“Central Scene Notification” command (Key Attribute 0x02) every 150ms to
Group 1 Nodes.
* Release the button (After long press):
-The orange LED will flash while release the button and send “Central Scene
Notification” command (Key Attribute 0x01) to the pairing group.
* Corresponding Scene Number and Group:
tton 1
Button 2
Button 3
Button 4
Scene number 1 Scene number 2
Scene number 3
Scene number 4
8) Scene Activation Mode:
* Short press (each button, <1 second):
- The green LED will flash once and send “Scene Activation” command to the
nodes of corresponding group.
- Corresponding Scene ID and Group:
Button 1
2 3 4 5
Scene ID
1 3 5 7
* Long press (each button):
- The red LED will flash once and send “Scene Activation” command to the
nodes of corresponding group.
- Corresponding Scene ID and Group:
Button 1
Scene ID
4. Setup Mode (DIP SWITCH TO LEFT):
1) Include other devices into Keyfob's network:
* Keyfob must be primary controller
* Press button 1 and 4 together until green LED flashes
* Keyfob will go back to sleep if no node info received within 10 seconds.
2) Exclude other devices from Keyfob's network:
* Keyfob must be the primary controller
* Press button 2 and 3 together until red LED flashes.
* Keyfob will go back to sleep if no node info received within 10 seconds.
3) Controller Shift:
* Keyfob must be the primary controller.
* Press button 1 and 3 together until green LED flash, then red LED flash.
* Put another controller which you want it to become primary into learning mode.
4) Disassociation/Association for Scene Activation Groups (2~5):
* Press button 2 and 4 together until green LED flashes
* Release both button and the red LED will flashes twice; choose which button
group to associate and held corresponding button.
* Let the device which going to be associated sending NIF.
* Green LED will start flashes if association is successful. Now you can release
the button.
* If the device has already been associated to that button already, this operation
will disassociate it from that button and instead Red LED flashes.
* Keyfob will be back to sleep if no any button is helded within 4 seconds.
5) Learn Mode via NWI:
* Keyfob should not include any node
* Press button 3 and 4 together till the red LED flashes to enter learn mode, and it
will broadcast NWI NIF.
* Keyfob will return to sleep after 5 seconds if no inclusion nor exclusion.
5. Factory Default Reset:
Press 4 buttons together for 10 seconds. The LED colors will turn red after 2
seconds for 2 seconds and turn green for another 2 seconds. Keyfob will send
“Device Reset Locally Notification” command and reset to the factory default. (Red
LED flashes fast means reset completely).
Remark: This is to be used only in the case of primary controller being
inoperable or otherwise unavailable.
6. Copy Network Data to another Controller
This functionality cannot be triggered by user, but is automatic issued under two
circumstances when DUT acts as a primary controller:
A) Include another controller into network.
B) Controller Shift, hand over primary role to another controller.
7. Support OTA Firmware Update.
8. All the rest unaddressed commands followed Z-WAVE standard.