Owner's Manual

© 2012 Directed. All rights reserved.
Code hopping
The receiver and transmitters each use mathematical formulas called
al go rithms to change their codes each time the transmitter is used. This
technology has been developed to increase the security of the unit.
The control unit knows what the next codes should be. This helps to
keep the transmitter “in sync” with the control unit even if you use the
remote control out of range of the vehicle. However, if the transmitter
has been pressed many times out of range of the vehicle, or if the
battery has been removed, it may get out of sync with the control unit
and fail to operate the system.
To re-sync the remote control simply press
several times within
range of the vehicle. The alarm will au to mat i cal ly re-sync and respond
to the trans mit ters nor mal ly.
Owner recognition
Owner Recognition is a feature avail able exclusively from Directed.
Using the Directed Bitwriter®, a hand-held programming tool, your
dealer can program many of the system settings. The programmer
makes it possible to program different settings for each trans mit ter that
is used with the system. Then, when ev er a specific transmitter is used,
the system will recall the settings assigned to that transmitter. Owner
Rec og ni tion lets up to four users of the system have different settings
that meet their specific needs. It is almost like having four separate
alarms in your vehicle, one for each user.
Owner Recognition cannot be programmed without a Directed Bit-
writer® and the necessary soft ware. Check with your dealer for more