Product manual

54 Viper 200 LTO Product Manual
Cartridge memory
To maximize data access speed and efficiency, every LTO cartridge contains a
Cartridge Memory (CM) chip, which communicates with the drive via a contactless
radio-frequency link. The cartridge has 4 Kbytes of memory: 3 Kbytes are used to
store tape directory and hardware specific information and 1 Kbyte is available for
application and OEM use.
The cartridge memory is powered, read, and written to via radio-frequency link (non-
The drive will not write to a cartridge whose CM is faulty or whose CM (or manual
switch) is set to write protect.
The information stored in the CM includes the following:
Cartridge type
Unique cartridge serial number
Cartridge manufacturer
Date of manufacture
Tape length
Information about the last drive to initialize the tape
Information about the last drive to write to the tape
Tape Alert Flags that are set each time the cartridge is unloaded from the drive
A count of the total number of times that the cartridge has been loaded
A count of the total number of data sets written to this tape
A count of the total number of write errors (recovered and unrecovered)
A count of the total number of read errors (recovered and unrecovered)
A count of the total number of write passes
Figure 26 shows the internal location of the Cartridge Memory and the Write-protect
Figure 26. LTO cartridge showing cartridge memory and write-protect switch