Installation Sheet

Table Of Contents
Reversing the door swing
Tools needed: flathead screwdriver, Phillips screwdriver
IMPORTANT: Before you begin, unplug the ice maker or disconnect power.
To remove door from hinges:
1. Using a flathead screwdriver, separate the axis from Hinge 1. Set aside.
2. Open the door about 20°around the axis of Bottom Hinge 2, then lift the door off
Bottom Hinge 2 and set door aside.
To replace door on hinges:
1. Using a flathead screwdriver, remove the plug buttons from the screw holes opposite
the door hinges, top and bottom. Set aside.
2. Replace the axis on the Hinge 1 and tighten it firmly. Remove Hinge 1 and place it on
the opposite bottom side.
3. Remove Hinge 2 and place it on the opposite top side. Separate the axis from Hinge 2
and set it aside.
4. Align the door on Bottom Hinge 1 and replace axis on Hinge 2. Tighten it firmly.
Place the handle on the side of the door away from the hinge side.
5. Push the plug buttons into the original screw holes. See Figure below.
W W W . V I N O T E M P . C O M