User Guide

Manual Image Adjust
Displays the “Manual Image Adjust” menu. You can manually set a variety of
image quality adjustments.
Memory Recall
Returns the adjustments back to factory sengs if the display is operang in
a factory preset ming mode listed in the “Specicaons” of this manual.
NOTE:  (Excepon) This control does not aect changes made in the
“Language Select” or “Power Lock” seng.
Refers to a cropped image on your monitors screen. A seng on your
monitor zooms in on movie content, so that you cannot see the outermost
edges of the lm.
Resets the ViewMode monitor sengs.
Resoluon Noce
The noce tells users that the current viewing resoluon is not the correct
nave resoluon. This noce will appear in the display sengs window
when seng up the display resoluon.
Response Time
Adjusts the response me, creang smooth images without streaking,
blurring, or ghosng. A low response me is perfect for the most graphic-
intense gaming, and provides amazing visual quality while watching sports
or acon movies.
Setup Menu
Adjusts On-Screen Display (OSD) Menu sengs. Many of these sengs can
acvate on-screen display nocaons so users do not have to reopen the
Adjusts the picture quality of the monitor.