User Manual

Setup Menu
1. Press the 1/2/3/4 key to display the Quick Menu. Then press the 4 key to display
the OSD Menu.
2. Press the 1 or 2 key to select Setup Menu. Then press the 3 key to enter the
Setup Menu menu.
2560 x 1440 @ 60Hz
Setup Menu
Color Adjust ViewMode
Manual Image
Audio Adjust
Language Select
Resolution Notice
OSD Timeout
OSD Background
OSD Pivot
Power Indicator
Auto Power Off
ECO Mode
DisplayPort 1.2
3. Press the 1 or 2 key to select the menu opon. Then press the 3 key to enter its
4. Press the 1 or 2 key to adjust/select the seng. Then press the 3 key to conrm
(if applicable).
NOTE:  Some sub-menu opons may have another sub-menu. To enter the
respecve sub-menu, press the 3 key. Follow the key guide that appears
on the boom of the screen to select the opon or make adjustments.
Menu Opon Descripon
Language Select Select an available language for the OSD Menu.
Resoluon Noce Enable this opon to allow the system to inform users that
the current viewing resoluon is not the correct nave
Informaon Display the monitor informaon.
OSD Timeout Set the length of me the OSD Menu remains on screen.
OSD Background Show/Hide the OSD background when the OSD Menu
appears on the screen.