User Guide

Mute 8 s 6 36 000: OFF
001: ON (mute)
Button Lock 8 s 8 38 000 : Unlock
001 : Lock
Menu Lock 8 s > 3E 000 : Unlock
001 : Lock
Key Pad 8 s A 41 000 : UP
001 : DOWN
002 : LEFT
003 : RIGHT
004 : ENTER
005 : INPUT
Remote Control 8 s B 42 000: Disable
Disable: RCU has no
effect on Monotor.
001: Enable
Enabled: RCU controls
the Monitor. This is the
power up default on the
002: Pass through
Pass through: RCU
has no effect on
Monitor and all RCU
command codes are
transmitted to PC via
the RS232 port.
Factory reset 8 s ~ 7E 0 Rests Monitor to
factory setting
10.3.2. Get-Function Listing
bytes which is similar to the Set-Function packet structure. Note that the “Value” byte is always = 000
Get-Function description:
Length: Total Byte of Message excluding “CR”.
TV/DS ID IdenticationforeachofTV/DS(01~98;defaultis01).
Command Type Identify command type,
“g” (0x67h) : Get Command
“r” (0x72h) : Valid command Reply
“-“ (0x2Dh) : Invalid command Reply
Command: Function command code: One byte ASCII code.
Value[1~3]: ThreebytesASCIIthatdenesthevalue.
CR 0x0D
Get-Function format
Send: (Command Type=”g”)
Name Length ID
Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Byte Count 1 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
Bytes order 1 2~3 4 5 6 7 8 9
NOTE: “Power STBY status” is the exception for VT2405LED-1 and VT3205LED.