Instruction Manual

Additional Control Elements
The TRIG-button starts a single note or a sequence to play the Per-
FourMer MKII's sounds without any keyboard or sequencer attached.
Whether a single note or sequence is played, depends on the setting of
the SELECT/SEQ control. Set to positions 1 to 4, single notes are played
in di!erent octaves. Set to positions 5 to 16, di!erent sequences are
played in varying complexity. The function to play notes and sequences
is inactive when in edit-mode.
Single notes will be played and held as long as TRIG is held. Sequences
will be started by pressing TRIG once and stopped by pressing TRIG
again. A sequence will be stopped when the SELECT/SEQ control is used.
Combined synthesizer channels will always be triggered simultaneously
but in regard to the selected PLAYMODE. For example, with synthesizer
channels 1 and 2 being combined, hitting TRIG in channel 1 will also
trigger channel 2.
When in MIDI- and EDIT-mode, the TRIG-buttons serve to assign MIDI-
channels as well as parameter settings). (see "Combining Multiple Syn-
thesizer Channels", page 25, see "Edit-Mode", page 29).
NOTE Use the internal sequences to make yourself familiar
with the di!erent playmodes (see "PLAYMODE", page
25). Changing from Mono1 to Mono2 can already
result in surprising results.
Use this switch to lock all TRIG-buttons. This will avoid unwanted trig-
gering of sequences. As a secondary function, this button generates a
continuous tuning reference.
Set this switch to the left (TRIG LOCK), to disable triggering of single
notes and sequences. This is specifically useful in a live situation.
Set this switch to the right (440Hz), a digital generated tuning reference
of 440Hz (equals MIDI notes A3 resp. A4) will be output.
This control allows tuning the PerFourMer MKII within a range of ± one
semitone. MASTER TUNE a!ects all four synthesizer channels.
Owner's Manual VERMONA PERfourMER MKII
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