User's Manual Part 3

Calibration FloPoint
Elite Uroflow System
page 84 User’s Manual
4. Put on a pair of gloves. Remove
the FloSensor from the FloCharger
and hang it in the toilet bowl just
as you would for an exam.
Place the funnel on top of the
FloSensor and push the tabs
under the handles to hold it
securely in place.
5. Pick up the Remote and press the button once to start
recording an exam. The Remote will play a “tune up”
chirp indicating that the FloSensor is ready to measure
the calibration flow.
6. Slowly pour the contents of one of the Calibration Fluid
pouches onto the side of the funnel closet to the front of the toilet. The flow rate
should not exceed 10ml/s as measured by the Remote.
7. When the pouch is empty, click the Start button once to end the exam.
Depending on what appears on the Remote display, the calibration was either
successful (go to step 8), or unsuccessful (go to step 10).
If the Calibration was Successful
8. If the calibration is successful, four arrows and “3 - 3”
are displayed. The Remote plays a “siren” chirp
indicating that it needs to be placed back in the
Docking Station to complete the calibration
9. When you have performed a successful calibration - or when three calibration
flows have been attempted - return the FloSensor to the FloCharger and flush
the toilet.
Remove your gloves and return the Remote to the ScanPoint
Docking Station
for re-configuration.
If the Calibration was Unsuccessful
10. The Remote will emit an error beep.
A maximum of three calibration flows can be conducted
during a calibration exam.
Return to step 6 to repeat a calibration flow.
Completing Calibration
11. When you have performed a successful calibration - or
Ready to calibrate
The display shows the
current attempt numbe
and the total allowable
number of attempts
possible, in this case,
“one out of three.”