
Setup - Adjustment with the PC
In the illustration, you see the echo curve
(before correction of the sensor orientation)
with a false echo nearly as large as the prod-
uct echo.
In the next illustration you then see the echo
curve after optimum directing of the sensor to
the product surface and away from a large
false echo source (sensor axis perpendicular
to the product surface). The false echo,
caused e.g. by a strut, is now reduced by
more than 30 dB and will no longer influence
the measurement.
Quit the menu "
Echo curve
with .
False echo storage
With the menu item "
False echo storage
the menu "
Sensor optimisation
you can au-
thorise the sensor to save false echoes. The
sensor electronics then saves the false ech-
oes in an internal database and assigns them
a lower level of importance than the useful
echo. The false echo storage should be car-
ried out with empty vessel.
Click in the menu window "
Sensor optimisa-
to the menu item .