User's Manual Part 2

Appendix C: Command-Line Syntax
APCD-LM043-8.0 (DRAFT C) 201
snmp trap delete
<aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> <community>
Deletes a trap server community.
<aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> is the Ethernet
IP address of the trap server.
<community> is the community name
for the trap server being deleted, from
1-63 characters in length.
stats Displays the statistics for all drivers and
network protocols.
stats auth Displays authorization/RADIUS statistics.
stats clear Clears the statistics for all drivers.
stats ethernet Displays Ethernet statistics.
stats log <interval>|OFF|NOW Displays or sets statistics logging interval in
• <interval> is the time interval in minutes
of statistics logging, from 1 to 65535
minutes; setting the interval also turns
logging on.
• OFF turns statistics logging off.
• NOW prints the current statistics to the
log without affecting the period or
turning logging on or off.
stats mac Displays MAC driver statistics.
stats net Displays network protocol statistics.
stats net icmp Displays ICMP statistics.
stats net ip Displays IP statistics.
stats net tcp Displays TCP statistics.
stats net udp Displays UDP statistics.
stats radio Displays radio driver statistics.
stats rp | routing Displays routing protocol statistics.
stats summary Displays a summary of the Atmel MAC
sys log <number> <offset> Displays the modem log file.
<number> is the number of characters
to print from the log file.
<offset> is the character offset;
default is 0.
sys mac Displays the Atmel MAC log.
sys memory Displays memory allocation information.
Command Syntax (CCU) Command Description