User's Manual Part 2

Appendix C: Command-Line Syntax
APCD-LM043-8.0 (DRAFT C) 197
ping <aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd>|<eum_id>
<length> <interval>
Sends ICMP echo requests to a remote
<aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> is the IP
address of the remote host.
<eum_id> is the EUMID (in the form
XX:XX:XX) of an EUM or CCU to ping.
<length> is an optional parameter
defining the ping packet size in bytes.
The default length is 64 bytes, and the
maximum length is 1460 bytes.
<interval> is an optional parameter
defining the number of milliseconds
between pings. The interval may be
from 100 to 4000 milliseconds, and the
default is 490 milliseconds.
Press any key to halt.
port Displays the TCP/UDP port filters.
port add <port number>
Adds or modifies a port filter.
<port number> is the number of the
port to be filtered.
• One of
tcp, udp, or both is selected
to filter TCP or UDP messages, or both.
port delete <port number> Deletes a port filter.
<port number> is the port to be
port flush Deletes all port filters.
protocol Displays the protocol mode.
protocol routed|switched|through Changes the protocol mode.
radio Displays the radio attributes of the CCU.
Command Syntax (CCU) Command Description