Technical data

98 Keysight InfiniiVision 2000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
4 Commands Quick Reference
ID <value> (see
page 488)
ID? (see page 488)
<value> ::= 7-bit integer in
decimal, <nondecimal>, or
<string> from 0-63 or 0x00-0x3f
<nondecimal> ::= #Hnn where n ::=
{0,..,9 | A,..,F} for hexadecimal
<nondecimal> ::= #Bnn...n where n
::= {0 | 1} for binary
<string> ::= "0xnn" where n ::=
{0,..,9 | A,..,F} for hexadecimal
PATTern:DATA <string>
(see page 489)
PATTern:DATA? (see
page 489)
<string> ::= "n" where n ::=
32-bit integer in unsigned
decimal when <base> = DECimal
<string> ::= "nn...n" where n ::=
{0 | 1 | X | $} when <base> =
<string> ::= "0xnn...n" where n
::= {0,..,9 | A,..,F | X | $}
when <base> = HEX
<length> (see
page 491)
(see page 491)
<length> ::= integer from 1 to 8
in NR1 format
PATTern:FORMat <base>
(see page 492)
PATTern:FORMat? (see
page 492)
<base> ::= {BINary | HEX |
Table 25 :SBUS<n>:LIN Commands Summary (continued)
Command Query Options and Query Returns
Table 26 :SBUS<n>:SPI Commands Summary
Command Query Options and Query Returns
<order> (see page 495)
? (see page 495)
<order> ::= {LSBFirst | MSBFirst}
OPe <slope> (see
page 496)
OPe? (see page 496)
<slope> ::= {NEGative | POSitive}
Meout <time_value>
(see page 497)
Meout? (see page 497)
<time_value> ::= time in seconds
in NR3 format
<value> (see page 498)
(see page 498)
<value> ::= {CHIPselect |
{NCHipselect | NOTC} | TIMeout}