Technical data

:MEASure Commands 20
Keysight InfiniiVision 2000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 363
(see page 792)
Query Syntax
:MEASure:TEDGe? <slope><occurrence>[,<source>]
<slope> ::= direction of the waveform. A rising slope is indicated by a
space or plus sign (+). A falling edge is indicated by a
minus sign (-).
<occurrence> ::= the transition to be reported. If the occurrence number
is one, the first crossing from the left screen edge is
reported. If the number is two, the second crossing is
reported, etc.
<source> ::= {<digital channels> | CHANnel<n> | FUNCtion | MATH
| WMEMory<r>}
<digital channels> ::= DIGital<d> for the MSO models
<n> ::= 1 to (# of analog channels) in NR1 format
<r> ::= 1-2 in NR1 format
<d> ::= 0 to (# digital channels - 1) in NR1 format
When the :MEASure:TEDGe query is sent, the displayed signal is searched for the
specified transition. The time interval between the trigger event and this
occurrence is returned as the response to the query. The sign of the slope selects a
rising (+) or falling (-) edge. If no sign is specified for the slope, it is assumed to be
the rising edge.
The magnitude of occurrence defines the occurrence to be reported. For example,
+3 returns the time for the third time the waveform crosses the midpoint threshold
in the positive direction. Once this crossing is found, the oscilloscope reports the
time at that crossing in seconds, with the trigger point (time zero) as the reference.
If the specified crossing cannot be found, the oscilloscope reports +9.9E+37. This
value is returned if the waveform does not cross the specified vertical value, or if
the waveform does not cross the specified vertical value for the specific number of
times in the direction specified.
You can make delay and phase measurements using the MEASure:TEDGe
Delay = time at the nth rising or falling edge of the channel - time at the same
edge of another channel
Phase = (delay between channels / period of channel) x 360
For an example of making a delay and phase measurement, see ":MEASure:TEDGe
Code" on page 364.
If the optional source parameter is specified, the current source is modified.