Technical data

308 Keysight InfiniiVision 2000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
17 :HARDcopy Commands
(see page 792)
Command Syntax
:HARDcopy:NETWork:USERname <username>
<username> ::= quoted ASCII string
The :HARDcopy:NETWork:USERname command sets the user name to use when
connecting to the Windows network domain.
The user name setting is a common setting for both network printer slots.
Query Syntax
The :HARDcopy:NETWork:USERname? query returns the currently set user name.
Return Format
<username> ::= quoted ASCII string
See Also "Introduction to :HARDcopy Commands" on page 296
":HARDcopy:NETWork:DOMain" on page 305
":HARDcopy:NETWork:PASSword" on page 306
":HARDcopy:NETWork:SLOT" on page 307
":HARDcopy:NETWork:APPLy" on page 304
":HARDcopy:NETWork:ADDRess" on page 303