Technical data

:HARDcopy Commands 17
Keysight InfiniiVision 2000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 297
(see page 792)
Command Syntax
:HARDcopy:AREA <area>
<area> ::= SCReen
The :HARDcopy:AREA command controls what part of the display area is printed.
Currently, the only legal choice is SCReen.
Query Syntax
The :HARDcopy:AREA? query returns the selected display area.
Return Format
<area> ::= SCR
See Also "Introduction to :HARDcopy Commands" on page 296
":HARDcopy:STARt" on page 311
":HARDcopy:APRinter" on page 298
":HARDcopy:PRINter:LIST" on page 310
":HARDcopy:FACTors" on page 299
":HARDcopy:FFEed" on page 300
":HARDcopy:INKSaver" on page 301
":HARDcopy:LAYout" on page 302
":HARDcopy:PALette" on page 309