User's Manual

Vave Personal Ultrasound • USER MANUAL
CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY. CAUTION — Investigational device. Limited by Federal law to investigational use. Not commercially available in the US.
1.5.5 Availability
Images and cines are maintained in the Vave Health App until they are deleted by the user. After a large number of
images are stored, the device storage may become full, requiring image deletions before storing additional images.
The Vave App requires an internet connection to register a new user and/or Vave Phased Array Probe. The Internet
is required when logging in to the Vave App after logging out, Vave App update, or after a period of 30 days. Unless
logged out, users can stay logged into the Vave App for 30 days without an internet connection.
Images are maintained locally on the mobile device. Device Failure, accidental deletion, or device reset will erase all
images on the mobile device. To maintain long term availability of images, the mobile device should be backed up
— or images exported and saved on an external system.
1.5.6 Accountability
If you suspect that your password has been compromised, suspect that your device may be infected with malware,
or the behavior of the device is not as expected, you should immediately notify the privacy and/or security personnel
at your institution. Additionally; you should Contact Vave Health customer Support as specified in the “Help” section
of this manual.
1.6 System Requirements
Using the Vave Personal Ultrasound with a smart device that does not meet the minimum requirements may
result in low-quality images, unexpected results and possible misdiagnoses. Small devices may not have the
necessary resolution for viewing small structures.
Minimum Device Specifications:
iOS Devices Requirements
• Operating System: iOS 9+
• Processor: CPU: A10+
Technical Features: GPU: PowerVR Series 7+ or Apple GPU. RAM: 2 GB+
• Devices: iPhone 7, iPhone 8, iPhone X, iPad Pro (2nd and 3rd generation), etc.
Android Devices Requirements
• Operating System: 6.0 Marshmallow+ (API level 23)
• Processor: CPU: Octa-core 1.6 GHz
Technical Features: GPU: Dedicated GPU. RAM: 3 GB+
• Devices: Samsung Galaxy Tab S3, Google Pixel C, etc.